Refund & cancellation Policy

Refund & cancellation Policy

PGPlanner brand which is owned by Jikan stays Private Limited allows users to book beds in the hostels or Pgs of their choice for a flat booking fee that varies from hostel to hostel . Users are allowed to cancel their bookings for any any reason of theirs .

Users can get complete refund if they cancel the booking within 24 hours from the time of making that particular booking. User can choose to get money in his / her wallet or to the payment mode which ever he/ she used for purchasing that booking.

In case of wallet user will get it instantly if user chooses to get it in his / her wallet. If user chooses to get refund to the payment mode he / she users it will take 5 to 7 working days .

User will not get any refund if he / she cancels the booking post 24 hours after the booking is made .
In case of users who cancelled the booking before 24 hours users will get their refund to payment mode used by them during booking process within 5 to 7 working days excluding holidays . users will be informed about the status via their registered Email & SMS to their registered Mobile Number. For further queries kindly reach us via the following options

Mobile : 9030397453
Email :